Kauno Grūdai
Kauno Grūdai
Legal advisory
Financial advisory and restructuring
LIDO Tourism and recreation centre
LIDO Tourism and recreation centre
Financial advisory and restructuring
LIDO design factory
LIDO design factory
Restructuring of a distressed asset
Strategic advisory, participation in the Council of the company
Emils Gustavs Chocolate
Emils Gustavs Chocolate
Financial advisory and capital raising
Siera Nams
Siera Nams
Advisory on attracting minority equity financial investor, valuation of the company
Pure Food
Pure Food
Financial advisory. Advisory to the largest shareholders on the acquisition of minority equity stake in the company
Jelgavas Maiznieks
Jelgavas Maiznieks
Advisory to the shareholder in attracting equity financial investor
Premia FFL
Premia FFL
Advisory to the shareholders on a merger of three independent frozen food companies
Valdo Ltd
Valdo Ltd
Strategic and legal advisory
Advisory to the shareholder on attracting minority equity financial investor